Our Aims

Throughout the year, we will be organising exciting events for the children and their adults to raise funds for school resources, which the school budget does not cover. Throughout the year, we will need parent volunteers to help us run our events as smoothly and safely as possible.

What is a PTFA?

PTFA stands for Parent Teacher and Friends Association. We are a registered charity with the Charity Commission, with a mission to make Highwood Copse School, a better place for children to learn and to enjoy. Highwood Copse Primary School PTFA brings together parents, grandparents, teachers, friends and children to raise funds and strengthen the school community. Funds raised will go towards our plans on building a library for the children to ignite the love for reading, outdoor climbing equipment for the children to grow into and burn some energy in between lessons and smaller equipment, for indoor and outdoor use.

When we set up?

Highwood Copse Primary School officially opened in the autumn term of 2021 for the first cohort of Foundation Year children. The school’s PTFA was set up by parents and staff and became official at our first ever AGM back in July 2022, with the first fundraiser taking place at the end of the summer term.


See the events page for all the exciting events we will be hosting for you in the near future!


Get in Touch

Find us at the office


Drop us an email
